
  • T1
  • T2
  • T3

Altar of Chaosmouth

A large chest for storing items

Altar of Set

An altar to Set, the Old Serpent

Ancient Brazier

An ornate brazier made in the Acheronian fashion

Ancient Brazier

An ornate brazier made in the Acheronian fashion


A rare fish

Antelope Head

Antelope Head

Antelope Head Trophy

Antelope Head Trophy

Archery Target

A target for refining ranged techniques

Armorer's Bench

A bench covered in tools for crafting armor


A small awning of orange cloth

Awning, Blue

A small awning of blue cloth

Awning, Green

A small awning of green cloth

Awning, Red

A small awning of red cloth


A comfortable wooden bed

Bed - Folded

A folding bed that takes up little space

Bed - Stygian

A low divan made in the Stygian style